Legislative Update – HB 4242

Urgent Action Needed:

HB 4242, the only viable 313 program extension option left on the table, passed out of the Senate Economic Development and Natural Resources Committee today on a vote of 7-2.  That means it will need to be heard and passed by the entire Senate. YOUR SENATOR NEEDS TO HEAR FROM YOU VERY SOON!  The vote on HB 4242 will likely be Monday or Tuesday.


Call and email your Senator right away to ask them to vote FOR HB 4242.  If you have been involving your school board this session, please ask them to do the same.

Some senators have already come out against HB 4242 in committee (Kolkhorst and Hughes).  Offer your Senator positive talking points they may be able to use on the floor of the Senate if they feel compelled to speak.  If they hear from you that districts know that changes are necessary to keep this economic development tool viable, and that we are committed to working together to accomplish this goal, then they may be more comfortable voting for HB 4242.

This is the home stretch!  Let’s get HB 4242 passed so we can get on with closing out this school year.  TSED appreciates you and all that you do!